Saturday, August 12
Adults (ages 18+)
Instructor: Michelle Champlain
Take a break from the every day with this playful, fun, relaxed, one-of-a-kind painting and drawing workshop. This class gives folks an opportunity to express themselves creatively through art-making and connecting with their intuition. We will use images of trees--which incorporate surprising colors, textures, and perspectives--for inspiration. You will learn some basics around line quality, balance, intuitive art-making, and easy ways to draw trees. You get to be the orchestrator here. There's no wrong in this workshop and no prior drawing or painting experience is necessary. Join us and have some fun!
Members: $40 // Non-Members: $45
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Saturday, August 12
LOCATION: River Tree Arts, 35 Western Ave, Kennebunk ME 04043
Members: $40 // Non-Members: $45
Cathryn Majorossy
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