Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association

Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association


Youth Programs

About Us

The Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association provides recreational and enrichment programming to children of all ages at our picturesque waterfront property between Mother's Beach and The Cove at Lord's Point. Classes are open to KBIA members, and membership is open to the public. Besides classes, membership includes free admission to twice-daily open-swim sessions, Wednesday night campfire beachside barbecues, followed by the weekly Movie Nights, as well as family sailing and kayaking on select weekends.

As a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, KBIA’s mission since 1910 has been to provide an exemplary enrichment program for children while also serving as a positive influence in the life and welfare of Kennebunk Beach and the Kennebunk-area community.

The Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association was established in 1910 to educate young people about the importance of waterfront safety and the preservation of the Kennebunk Beach area. While KBIA has grown and changed considerably since its inception, the founding mission has remained steadfast and has guided the growing organization.

For over 100 years, the mission of KBIA has contributed to the economic vibrancy of the Kennebunks. We have preserved and protected the facility and adjacent land while continually attracting seasonal guests, local residents and visitors to the Kennebunk Beach area with its unique youth enrichment program.


  • Summer enrichment classes
  • Children & Adult
  • Sailing, kayaking, SUP, surfing, swimming
  • Arts, nature, marine biology, pottery, woodworking, readying, yoga, drama
  • Teen nights, tween nights, movie nights, beach bonfires, family swim, cove walks


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