Journey Magazine

Journey Magazine


Magazines / Newspapers / Radio

About Us

Journey is a Maine-based media company with a print and digital magazine for the recovery community. You may have seen us around, we launched in 2019, we're devoted to amplifying and promoting a very distinct and compelling message about hope, help and solutions about recovering from addiction. We're distributed to 1000+ community businesses, 30 recovery community centers, and mailed directly to hundreds of subscribers throughout Maine. We believe that people recover in communities and that all communities benefit when inspiring recovery stories, accessible programs and available resources are visible. There is a job board on our website; the goal is to create a stigma-free connections for job seekers and employers in an effort to lower the barrier, not the bar.


  • Inclusivity: We respect and value all humans and recovery paths.
  • Optimism: We have a genuine positive outlook on life.
  • Transformation: We believe change is possible.
  • Recovery Friendly Workplace Stories


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