ChurchesEvent Venues / Ceremony Sites
10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship, year-round. All are welcome!
Office hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00-1:00
Driving Directions:
Located at 55 Church St in Lyman, ME. Also at 160 Alfred Road, West Kennebunk, ME
CHRIST CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT Christ Church is a Federated Church affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church. We welcome all people from every denominational background. We worship God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ through worship, education, fellowship and service. Our goal is to grow in our personal faith while serving people around us and in the world beyond us. Our vision is a practical Christianity that applies the historic faith to the needs of people in today's world. Our hearts are open and our hands are extended in faith, love and friendship. We are an Open and Affirming ONA) congregation -- ALL are welcome and appreciated!